Thursday, June 08, 2006

Don't Worio, just another search engine

Something new hit my site claiming to be Worio and planning to go live in 2006 according to their website. Another site using Heritrix to crawl with, oh joy, almost becoming as annoying as the new-nutch-site-of-the-week club.

BAD_AGENT: [] requested 1 pages as "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.6.0 +"

What makes Worio special is it's supposed to be created for computer scientists and programmers.

OK, there goes my lunch.

Don't Worio, Be Happy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,

Are you too suffering from fat fingers?

You double posted the "Worio" thread.

Take care!


IncrediBILL said...

Nice try Jay but blogger has been busted for 2 days now, and was seriously whacked this morning and actually posted 4 copies. I managed to whack 2 copies before this steaming shitpile went offline.