Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cyberspider Crap-of-the-Day Bot Award

No clue what this spider does as it only asked for my home page but I know what it doesn't do, it doesn't ask for robots.txt.

Here's the 411 on this bad bot: [] requested 1 pages as "cyberspider"
These crappy crawlers just keep coming...


Da Scritch said...

I have a big problem with Sogou. My website has numerous big mp3 files as a podcaster, and they don't follow rel=nofollow policy.

Their mail adresses are not responding... do you want a copy of my mail complain ?

Anonymous said...

da scritch,

Ban them! That continent is home to the worth bandwidth sucking trash.

IPs China

I don't think Bill will mind that link

IncrediBILL said...

I've always said that if you don't sell to them, the best way to stop bandwidth abuse and spam is to install the Great Firewall of China.

Then Russia, Romania, Korea and a few other sources of nonsense and you'll notice most of the spam and port probes on your server go away.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard about biosearch? ;-)

IncrediBILL said...

John, that might clearly be the Crap-of-the-Decade bot.

R said...

Here's a post on DP with some proxy prevention. Maybe you can comment?
Bad proxies

Anonymous said...

Don't think I can beat the biosearch example, but I had one called "Pockey" which is pretty damn stupid.